Sunday, January 22, 2012

You can't possibly want MORE????

Sometimes people are just so funny!  Our family appears large to many people.  I don't really think of us as that big since we know a lot of families in our homeschooling and friend circle that have as many as 10-12 kids!   That is a big family.  LOL. 

After gawking and counting our children in the most obvious way possible, most people ask, "you are done now right?".  Nothing is quite as awesome as their expression when we say that "what's one more?  we'll have at least one more".  They even get a nice big shock when Craig tells them that we homeschool them too.  It's like people can't believe that we would WANT to be around our kids all the time!   I love my kids!  I love to be around them!  I would have 20 - lol.  Craig maybe not so much.  He always tells me we will take it "one baby at a time"... 

Oh and we do know how babies are made - lol.  So I always tell people that maybe I should start washing Craig's and my underwear seperately...

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