Okay so this is a stock photo, but looks close enough. I am so OCD that I would NEVER let the shake run over the side. LOL. The thought of it is bugging me already!
Our oatmeal bars were jam packed with oatbran, oats, cauliflower/zuchinni and soymilk. But I thought I'd like to get some spinach into them today. The best way to get them to eat spinach is to get them to eat chocolate! They downed these shakes like nobody's buisness!
Chocolate Spinach Shake
(this made 4 glasses)
- 4 cups of chocolate almond milk
- 1/4 cup spinach and blueberry puree
- 1 TBSP unsweetened cocoa
- 4 TBSP frozen low fat frozen yogurt (I spoiled the kids with a bit of real dairy today)
- 1/2 cup ice
Throw it all into a blender and blend until smooth! Pour out and serve with a straw. Like I said, my kids drank these so fast, and then told me "that was very good!" and "we should have this again!".
Mwah hahaha.
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