Well today has been very informative for our science curriculum! We found out today that the human baby can shoot poop about 18 inches across the room, all over the place. Wonderful. I honestly never wanted to know that, nor did I want to know that infant poop not only looks like mustard but also has the consistency of it. And of course I tried to deflect the blow with my good white muslin swaddle blanket - which is now soaking in a bucket of oxyclean.
Ayden of course was thrilled by the graphic pooping display as he sauntered over to hand me some wet cloth wipes. Giggles errupted throughout the land as all the boys took turns ooooo-ing and awww-ing over the sheer amount of poop that was all over the floor and mama. Only in a house full of boys I'll tell you!
So poop. I hope the rest of the day goes better - lol. Always an adventure over here.
The "innocent" face of the perpetrator... |
Oh Cathy... you make me giggle uncontrollably!