But here is thing. Boys are glorious!
Here are 50 reasons why boys are truly awesome and amazing.
1. Boys touch gross things without crying
2. Boys can pee standing up, out the van door, on the side of the highway so mama doesn't freeze on those last minute "I have to go pee!"
3. If your neighbour gets lice, you can just shave all your boys heads!
4. Boys are brave and strong and make good husbands one day!
5. Boys like the thought of eating gross things - which is perfect when you go to someones house and they have never tried something (just try it Ewan - they are made from chicken's eyeballs!)
6. Boys love their Mama's
7. Boys get messy and don't care
8. Boys can wear dirty clothes and everyone ignores it since they are boys and boys get dirty
9. You always have lots of pants to turn into shorts come summer since the knees only last one season!
10. Boys play rough and tough and its fun to watch!
11. Boys dont need fancy hairdo's - so it only takes us 5 seconds to get them ready in the morning!
12. Boys don't get crushes on little girls since they have girl germs.
13. Boys like to climb trees, and so do mamas!
14. Boys love to play outside all day long! Makes for a very quiet house!
15. Boys like to play toy cars and those are only 99 cents at walmart!
16. Boys take out garbage with joy for their mama's since its a "man's job!"
17. Boys like to camp outside in the rain
18. Boys like to fish and hunt
19. Boys can run and run and run all day long without batteries!
20. Boys can get stitches and think the scar is going to be "soooooo coool!"
21. Boys kill gross things for their mama!!!!!
22. Boys say silly things
23. Boys dance like gorillas and aren't shy about it
24. Boys like to do hilarious karate moves
25. Boys were made in God's image from dust and so they are just too awesome!
26. Boys think that being made of "snips and snails and puppy dogs tails" is just perfect
27. Boys laugh at the thought of wearing silly high heels so their feet will never suffer
28. Boys don't think they need make up to be perfect
29. Boys can burp and toot almost on command. So funny (as long as its not at the dinner table!)
30. Boys will never need to pluck their eyebrows or shave their legs (we are lucky if they shave their face!)
31. Boys think growing chest hair is super awesome.
32. Boys are resiliant and bold and fearless
33. Boys are made to be strong and courageous
34. Boys would eat a worm if you dared them to
35. Boys like to watch cool movies with explosions
36. Boys like to help mama lift heavy things to show off their muscles
37. Boys like to lick the spoon from the cookies after they did the stirring since mama's arm was (fake) tired. Good thing they are so strong!
38. Boys are sweet and loving and sensitive too
39. Boys call their underwear "ginchies" which is such a funny word!
40. Boys like to be soldiers and knights and heroes.
41. Boys don't think its strange to want to be a dinosaur when they grow up
42. Boys like to protect their families and most of all - their mamas.
43. Boys like things that are fast, high and scary and this helps them learn to be brave.
44. Boys wouldn't bother wasting time changing the baby doll's diaper - they would call the baby's mother to come do it!
45. Boys eat lots, but aren't picky.
46. Boys grow into your grandchildren's daddies.
47. Boys are born being able to make the sound a car makes.
48. Boys are quick to solve their disputes (though it may be through force - lol!) and don't drag issues out.
49. Boys are adorable and sweet and smelly.
50. Boys bless everyone around them with joy.
That is just a few things that came to my mind as I watch 4 of my 5 sons pretending to be man eating lions under my kitchen table. I praise the Lord for the amazing life he has given me through raising these boys to be strong and mighty warriors. Now I am off to convince them that it isn't a good idea to try to climb up the Christmas tree.
I LOVE this post! As a mama of three boys {who are now all teenagers} I laughed and reminisced reading some of these {especially the pee out of the van one}. Thanks for making me smile!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! Love #3 and #8. #41--or Transformers or Captain America! #47--and machine gun sounds! :)