I am used to crying, giving the silent treatment, getting upset and other not so awesome tactics to get my way. I am used to leading because I don't think he will. I am used to dwelling on his past mistakes, his insensitivities, his inadvertant unkindness. I am used to holding things against him, even if it is just in my mind. I am used to expecting him to help me. I am used to expecting him to love me.
I don't want my husband to come home to a cranky wife, a messy house and bratty children. I want him to come home to an oasis that he loves and desires to come home to. Don't get me wrong. I am not a horrible witch with a filthy house - lol. My house is usually clean. My children are usually well behaved. Dinner is usually on the table, and I am usually sweet. But I can also turn on a dime.
Why? Because I am a sinner. We all are, and we all have desires to change. We can change. I did. I used to be a yeller. I prayed and the Lord brought me through that and now it is rare that I yell at the kids. I notice when other people yell at their kids, and that is when I silently thank the Lord for where He has brought me. Now I have another goal. I want to be a lover. I want my husband to be blessed by me. To be a true helpmeet. To bless his vision and his life. I want to have him fall in love with me all over again.
Tomorrow is Day 1. The first day of a glorious marriage. I can't wait. So my goal tomorrow is to smile every time I see him. To bring that little flirtatous spirit back. It doesn't sound hard, so hopefully I can succeed :o)
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