Sunday, December 18, 2011
Day 2: The touch
Okay so the smile was easy. Well not easy, since I am not used to smiling EVERY time I see someone - lol. And sometimes I didn't want to smile. But I think that is the point - lol. So today I am going to try to remember to smile AND try to touch him more often. Just a little hug, or a little brush up. Maybe hold his hand. Show him how much I love him :o) I don't think I do either enough, so here goes ... lol ... even though this isn't hard per se I do think it will be a challenge to remember!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Day 1: "the smile"
Smiles are contageous. They truly are! They also make your face look way better, in my opinion. I think that is why people always smile in photographs. And parents are thrilled for the first time their baby smiles. I like smiles. I want to smile more :o)
My first challenge in Loving my Husband is to smile at him everytime I see him. This is the first day of the challenge and I remembered! Maybe my smile was crooked as I had just opened my eyes in the morning, but it was there. And do you know what? Every time I smiled at my husband, he smiles back! How much joy will this add to our marriage!
My first challenge in Loving my Husband is to smile at him everytime I see him. This is the first day of the challenge and I remembered! Maybe my smile was crooked as I had just opened my eyes in the morning, but it was there. And do you know what? Every time I smiled at my husband, he smiles back! How much joy will this add to our marriage!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Loving my husband
It has been 5 years and 5 children in the making. Our marriage that is! I am slowly learning how to be a wife that blesses my husband rather than a wife that hinders him. It is hard. I am stubborn. I am not used to having a meek and quiet spirit. I am not used to submitting. I am not used to praying.
I am used to crying, giving the silent treatment, getting upset and other not so awesome tactics to get my way. I am used to leading because I don't think he will. I am used to dwelling on his past mistakes, his insensitivities, his inadvertant unkindness. I am used to holding things against him, even if it is just in my mind. I am used to expecting him to help me. I am used to expecting him to love me.
I don't want my husband to come home to a cranky wife, a messy house and bratty children. I want him to come home to an oasis that he loves and desires to come home to. Don't get me wrong. I am not a horrible witch with a filthy house - lol. My house is usually clean. My children are usually well behaved. Dinner is usually on the table, and I am usually sweet. But I can also turn on a dime.
Why? Because I am a sinner. We all are, and we all have desires to change. We can change. I did. I used to be a yeller. I prayed and the Lord brought me through that and now it is rare that I yell at the kids. I notice when other people yell at their kids, and that is when I silently thank the Lord for where He has brought me. Now I have another goal. I want to be a lover. I want my husband to be blessed by me. To be a true helpmeet. To bless his vision and his life. I want to have him fall in love with me all over again.
Tomorrow is Day 1. The first day of a glorious marriage. I can't wait. So my goal tomorrow is to smile every time I see him. To bring that little flirtatous spirit back. It doesn't sound hard, so hopefully I can succeed :o)
I am used to crying, giving the silent treatment, getting upset and other not so awesome tactics to get my way. I am used to leading because I don't think he will. I am used to dwelling on his past mistakes, his insensitivities, his inadvertant unkindness. I am used to holding things against him, even if it is just in my mind. I am used to expecting him to help me. I am used to expecting him to love me.
I don't want my husband to come home to a cranky wife, a messy house and bratty children. I want him to come home to an oasis that he loves and desires to come home to. Don't get me wrong. I am not a horrible witch with a filthy house - lol. My house is usually clean. My children are usually well behaved. Dinner is usually on the table, and I am usually sweet. But I can also turn on a dime.
Why? Because I am a sinner. We all are, and we all have desires to change. We can change. I did. I used to be a yeller. I prayed and the Lord brought me through that and now it is rare that I yell at the kids. I notice when other people yell at their kids, and that is when I silently thank the Lord for where He has brought me. Now I have another goal. I want to be a lover. I want my husband to be blessed by me. To be a true helpmeet. To bless his vision and his life. I want to have him fall in love with me all over again.
Tomorrow is Day 1. The first day of a glorious marriage. I can't wait. So my goal tomorrow is to smile every time I see him. To bring that little flirtatous spirit back. It doesn't sound hard, so hopefully I can succeed :o)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Dairy Free Oatmeal Bars
My kids LOVE to eat cold cereal. But cold cereal is so expensive, laden with sugar and preservatives and it needs milk. Milk which we just stopped drinking. They of course HATE to eat any kind of hot oatmeal since it has the consistency of (as they put it) boogers. It must truly have that consistency since the majority of the boys boast that they do indeed eat boogers. If they prefer their own boogers to my oatmeal then I had better get cracking on a better solution to breakfast!
I had an oatmeal bar recipe for baked bars. They enjoyed it but I have since tweaked it to be not only delicious, but full of vegetables and dairy free! Can you believe they don't even notice that there is 1/2 a cup of carrot/sweet potato/cauliflour/zucchini/apple in it? Haha - they devour it too!!!
First you need to get out your ingredients (this is the point that the boys argue over who is breakfast helper!)
You will need:
- 2 eggs lightly beaten
- 3 cups of quick cooking oats
- 1/4 cup of oat bran (optional)
- 1/2 cup spelt flour or whole wheat flour
- 1/2 cup pureed vegetables (carrot/sw potato/zucchini/cauliflour) or applesauce
- 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup of sweetener (sugar, honey, etc...)
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 cup carob chips (or chocolate chips or raisins)
- 1 tsp of pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup of organic unsweetened soya milk (or regular milk if you can have that!)
- Cream the sugar with the pureed vegetables and vanilla
- Add lightly beaten eggs, cinnamon, salt and baking powder and mix
- add flour, oat bran and oats and blend
- add your soya milk and mix until all ingredients are combined
- add your carob chips and lightly mix until they are well dispersed throughout your batter
Pour mixture into a greased 9x11 baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes. Cool and cut into squares!
My kids devour these so often I will make a double batch so I don't have to bake every morning. If you want to add more fiber, you can subsitute 1/4 of the vegetables for pureed white beans. The taste does not change and it adds an extra punch of nutrition. These hold up very well for breakfast on the go for my husband. My kids also like them as a soft granola bar. Store leftovers in the fridge, if you have any left!
I had an oatmeal bar recipe for baked bars. They enjoyed it but I have since tweaked it to be not only delicious, but full of vegetables and dairy free! Can you believe they don't even notice that there is 1/2 a cup of carrot/sweet potato/cauliflour/zucchini/apple in it? Haha - they devour it too!!!
First you need to get out your ingredients (this is the point that the boys argue over who is breakfast helper!)
You will need:
- 2 eggs lightly beaten
- 3 cups of quick cooking oats
- 1/4 cup of oat bran (optional)
- 1/2 cup spelt flour or whole wheat flour
- 1/2 cup pureed vegetables (carrot/sw potato/zucchini/cauliflour) or applesauce
- 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup of sweetener (sugar, honey, etc...)
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 cup carob chips (or chocolate chips or raisins)
- 1 tsp of pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup of organic unsweetened soya milk (or regular milk if you can have that!)
- Cream the sugar with the pureed vegetables and vanilla
- Add lightly beaten eggs, cinnamon, salt and baking powder and mix
- add flour, oat bran and oats and blend
- add your soya milk and mix until all ingredients are combined
- add your carob chips and lightly mix until they are well dispersed throughout your batter
Pour mixture into a greased 9x11 baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes. Cool and cut into squares!
My kids devour these so often I will make a double batch so I don't have to bake every morning. If you want to add more fiber, you can subsitute 1/4 of the vegetables for pureed white beans. The taste does not change and it adds an extra punch of nutrition. These hold up very well for breakfast on the go for my husband. My kids also like them as a soft granola bar. Store leftovers in the fridge, if you have any left!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sweet and Special just like Jesus
Recently the boys have been going out of their way to be nice to each other. I noticed this, and was so pleased since we have really been talking about ways to bless each other. I also got a wonderful idea from my 4 year old, Ewan, who suggested a wonderful way to let them know that I see their goodness! He suggested that I have a bottle of chocolate smarties up in the cupboard and that when I see them do something kind - I give them a chocolate Smartie since a Smartie is "sweet and special just like Jesus".
I have given out quite a few Smarties now, reminding them that they were being "sweet and special just like Jesus" by being kind and helping each other. What a wonderful way to show them that they are loved by the Lord and that their mama sees their attempts at kindness. Walking in the way of Jesus is not an easy thing, and I am so proud of them.
I have given out quite a few Smarties now, reminding them that they were being "sweet and special just like Jesus" by being kind and helping each other. What a wonderful way to show them that they are loved by the Lord and that their mama sees their attempts at kindness. Walking in the way of Jesus is not an easy thing, and I am so proud of them.
New to blogging, not new to the Joy of the Boy!
So many people who hear that we have 5 sons and no daughters are speechless! I like those people. Then there are the people who say "gosh, that's trouble", "you must be so disappointed!", "are you going to try for another one?", "hopefully this next one is a girl" and so on... MAB's understand this (Mom's of all boys).
But here is thing. Boys are glorious!
Here are 50 reasons why boys are truly awesome and amazing.
1. Boys touch gross things without crying
2. Boys can pee standing up, out the van door, on the side of the highway so mama doesn't freeze on those last minute "I have to go pee!"
3. If your neighbour gets lice, you can just shave all your boys heads!
4. Boys are brave and strong and make good husbands one day!
5. Boys like the thought of eating gross things - which is perfect when you go to someones house and they have never tried something (just try it Ewan - they are made from chicken's eyeballs!)
6. Boys love their Mama's
7. Boys get messy and don't care
8. Boys can wear dirty clothes and everyone ignores it since they are boys and boys get dirty
9. You always have lots of pants to turn into shorts come summer since the knees only last one season!
10. Boys play rough and tough and its fun to watch!
11. Boys dont need fancy hairdo's - so it only takes us 5 seconds to get them ready in the morning!
12. Boys don't get crushes on little girls since they have girl germs.
13. Boys like to climb trees, and so do mamas!
14. Boys love to play outside all day long! Makes for a very quiet house!
15. Boys like to play toy cars and those are only 99 cents at walmart!
16. Boys take out garbage with joy for their mama's since its a "man's job!"
17. Boys like to camp outside in the rain
18. Boys like to fish and hunt
19. Boys can run and run and run all day long without batteries!
20. Boys can get stitches and think the scar is going to be "soooooo coool!"
21. Boys kill gross things for their mama!!!!!
22. Boys say silly things
23. Boys dance like gorillas and aren't shy about it
24. Boys like to do hilarious karate moves
25. Boys were made in God's image from dust and so they are just too awesome!
26. Boys think that being made of "snips and snails and puppy dogs tails" is just perfect
27. Boys laugh at the thought of wearing silly high heels so their feet will never suffer
28. Boys don't think they need make up to be perfect
29. Boys can burp and toot almost on command. So funny (as long as its not at the dinner table!)
30. Boys will never need to pluck their eyebrows or shave their legs (we are lucky if they shave their face!)
31. Boys think growing chest hair is super awesome.
32. Boys are resiliant and bold and fearless
33. Boys are made to be strong and courageous
34. Boys would eat a worm if you dared them to
35. Boys like to watch cool movies with explosions
36. Boys like to help mama lift heavy things to show off their muscles
37. Boys like to lick the spoon from the cookies after they did the stirring since mama's arm was (fake) tired. Good thing they are so strong!
38. Boys are sweet and loving and sensitive too
39. Boys call their underwear "ginchies" which is such a funny word!
40. Boys like to be soldiers and knights and heroes.
41. Boys don't think its strange to want to be a dinosaur when they grow up
42. Boys like to protect their families and most of all - their mamas.
43. Boys like things that are fast, high and scary and this helps them learn to be brave.
44. Boys wouldn't bother wasting time changing the baby doll's diaper - they would call the baby's mother to come do it!
45. Boys eat lots, but aren't picky.
46. Boys grow into your grandchildren's daddies.
47. Boys are born being able to make the sound a car makes.
48. Boys are quick to solve their disputes (though it may be through force - lol!) and don't drag issues out.
49. Boys are adorable and sweet and smelly.
50. Boys bless everyone around them with joy.
That is just a few things that came to my mind as I watch 4 of my 5 sons pretending to be man eating lions under my kitchen table. I praise the Lord for the amazing life he has given me through raising these boys to be strong and mighty warriors. Now I am off to convince them that it isn't a good idea to try to climb up the Christmas tree.
But here is thing. Boys are glorious!
Here are 50 reasons why boys are truly awesome and amazing.
1. Boys touch gross things without crying
2. Boys can pee standing up, out the van door, on the side of the highway so mama doesn't freeze on those last minute "I have to go pee!"
3. If your neighbour gets lice, you can just shave all your boys heads!
4. Boys are brave and strong and make good husbands one day!
5. Boys like the thought of eating gross things - which is perfect when you go to someones house and they have never tried something (just try it Ewan - they are made from chicken's eyeballs!)
6. Boys love their Mama's
7. Boys get messy and don't care
8. Boys can wear dirty clothes and everyone ignores it since they are boys and boys get dirty
9. You always have lots of pants to turn into shorts come summer since the knees only last one season!
10. Boys play rough and tough and its fun to watch!
11. Boys dont need fancy hairdo's - so it only takes us 5 seconds to get them ready in the morning!
12. Boys don't get crushes on little girls since they have girl germs.
13. Boys like to climb trees, and so do mamas!
14. Boys love to play outside all day long! Makes for a very quiet house!
15. Boys like to play toy cars and those are only 99 cents at walmart!
16. Boys take out garbage with joy for their mama's since its a "man's job!"
17. Boys like to camp outside in the rain
18. Boys like to fish and hunt
19. Boys can run and run and run all day long without batteries!
20. Boys can get stitches and think the scar is going to be "soooooo coool!"
21. Boys kill gross things for their mama!!!!!
22. Boys say silly things
23. Boys dance like gorillas and aren't shy about it
24. Boys like to do hilarious karate moves
25. Boys were made in God's image from dust and so they are just too awesome!
26. Boys think that being made of "snips and snails and puppy dogs tails" is just perfect
27. Boys laugh at the thought of wearing silly high heels so their feet will never suffer
28. Boys don't think they need make up to be perfect
29. Boys can burp and toot almost on command. So funny (as long as its not at the dinner table!)
30. Boys will never need to pluck their eyebrows or shave their legs (we are lucky if they shave their face!)
31. Boys think growing chest hair is super awesome.
32. Boys are resiliant and bold and fearless
33. Boys are made to be strong and courageous
34. Boys would eat a worm if you dared them to
35. Boys like to watch cool movies with explosions
36. Boys like to help mama lift heavy things to show off their muscles
37. Boys like to lick the spoon from the cookies after they did the stirring since mama's arm was (fake) tired. Good thing they are so strong!
38. Boys are sweet and loving and sensitive too
39. Boys call their underwear "ginchies" which is such a funny word!
40. Boys like to be soldiers and knights and heroes.
41. Boys don't think its strange to want to be a dinosaur when they grow up
42. Boys like to protect their families and most of all - their mamas.
43. Boys like things that are fast, high and scary and this helps them learn to be brave.
44. Boys wouldn't bother wasting time changing the baby doll's diaper - they would call the baby's mother to come do it!
45. Boys eat lots, but aren't picky.
46. Boys grow into your grandchildren's daddies.
47. Boys are born being able to make the sound a car makes.
48. Boys are quick to solve their disputes (though it may be through force - lol!) and don't drag issues out.
49. Boys are adorable and sweet and smelly.
50. Boys bless everyone around them with joy.
That is just a few things that came to my mind as I watch 4 of my 5 sons pretending to be man eating lions under my kitchen table. I praise the Lord for the amazing life he has given me through raising these boys to be strong and mighty warriors. Now I am off to convince them that it isn't a good idea to try to climb up the Christmas tree.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
No Moo for Me...
With 5 boys, you wouldn't be surprised if behavioural issues pop up. Boys are full of behaviour! LOL. They are full of energy and my boys at least are full of all kinds of wrestling and moving and fighting. That is just boys. However, my Ayden struggles a little bit more. Ayden can't sit still during homeschooling, he constantly fidgets and jumps around. He struggles focusing in taekwondo, even though my husband does it with him, and struggles with focusing on anything actually. His emotions are all over the place, and it seemed like he started throwing more emotional tantrums now that he is 7 than when he was a toddler! I always tell people who ask that it is like he has no control over his emotions. He struggles sleeping and it takes hours for him to fall asleep. I knew that we had to do something, and I could feel a prescription medication coming on. I knew that I did not want him to take a medication for this, since I really love his creativity and spontaneous personality and fear that I would lose that. But I also feared I would lose my mind! Prayer has been the only way for me to cope with this, as most homeschooling mom's would understand.
Well praise the Lord, I was given an answer!
It was so simple. And my life has completely turned around. Ayden is a different kid! His emotions no longer rule our household and the children's behaviour has done a 180! I honestly cannot believe the change that we have experienced except to call it a miracle.
Yes, that "good to grow" stuff.
My chiropracter (the most amazing guy ever - who even fixed our infants colic!) is the one who steered me in the direction of the dairy free diet. I thought it sounded strange at first. I did some research and low and behold TONS of moms were amazed by the difference milk made in their children. I talked to my husband, who said it wouldn't hurt to try for a week! I prayed that this would help, and we put the milk, cheese, yogurt and all other dairy aside. It was time for some creativity!
Low and behold - a miracle overcame us!
Ayden is a different child. He can sit through his school work, he has almost NO tantrums at all. His emotions are level, he is happy. He can sleep, focus, behave himself and he is still the awesome amazing boy that he always has been! Praise the Lord that I didn't just get the prescription medication. Milk-free has changed our lives!
I will continue to post on our dairy free miracle, and add some of the recipes that we have come up with - but my excitement made me get this up tonight! It has been a full week now, and we are never going back!
Just remember that God answers prayer!
Well praise the Lord, I was given an answer!
It was so simple. And my life has completely turned around. Ayden is a different kid! His emotions no longer rule our household and the children's behaviour has done a 180! I honestly cannot believe the change that we have experienced except to call it a miracle.
Yes, that "good to grow" stuff.
My chiropracter (the most amazing guy ever - who even fixed our infants colic!) is the one who steered me in the direction of the dairy free diet. I thought it sounded strange at first. I did some research and low and behold TONS of moms were amazed by the difference milk made in their children. I talked to my husband, who said it wouldn't hurt to try for a week! I prayed that this would help, and we put the milk, cheese, yogurt and all other dairy aside. It was time for some creativity!
Low and behold - a miracle overcame us!
Ayden is a different child. He can sit through his school work, he has almost NO tantrums at all. His emotions are level, he is happy. He can sleep, focus, behave himself and he is still the awesome amazing boy that he always has been! Praise the Lord that I didn't just get the prescription medication. Milk-free has changed our lives!
I will continue to post on our dairy free miracle, and add some of the recipes that we have come up with - but my excitement made me get this up tonight! It has been a full week now, and we are never going back!
Just remember that God answers prayer!
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